Friday, February 25, 2022

March 2022 Newsletter

 It's Not Too Late to Sign Up for RootsTech!

March 3 - 5, 2022
It's virtual and it's free.
To register, go to their website.

Come to the Family History Center and enjoy this event with friends!  The center will be open on Thursday and Friday from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm and Saturday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.

As the particular classes haven't been announced yet, we have picked some topics for each of the sessions.  Once the classes are announced, we will pick the classes we think best match our desired topics.

  • Thursday March 3rd 10:00 am to 2:00 pm - Family Search topics
  • Thursday March 3rd 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm - Research Helps
  • Friday March 4th 10:00 am to 2:00 pm - Other Websites (besides FamilySearch)
  • Friday March 4th 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm - DNA
  • Saturday March 5th 10:00 am to 2:00 pm - Watching LDS emphasis classes including the Leadership Session.

We will meet in the basement classroom and watch the sessions on the projector screen.  Light refreshments will be provided, but feel free to bring your own lunch if you want to hang out with us for the whole day. 
If you can't join us at the center, the videos are available for viewing at Most are available for a full year from the original date.  Some are available indefinitely.

Summer Youth Program

In the past we have held a week-long Youth Family History Camp in June able to work with only about 20 youth at a time.  We are increasing the options this year and so excited to share the information with you.  

We will have a youth program for the whole summer!  Each stake will call 4-6 youth consultants.  These consultants will be trained during the first part of June.  Then from June 13 to August 9 on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10 am to 6 pm we will sponsor Youth Days.  

The basement classroom will be reserved for the youth for those two days of the week.    The trained youth consultants will be available to assist any youth coming to the center (with assistance from adult consultants only as needed for complex issues.)  As the temple is coming soon, we want the youth to be prepared to find and take their own names to the temple.  And not just be using Ordinances Ready (no issues in using it), but to be able to add some additional missing cousins to the tree who need temple ordinances completed.

The Priesthood Coordination Council for our center has asked us to announce this program early and ask for assistance in finding the youth consultants.  If you are a youth and wish to be a consultant for the summer, or if you know of a youth who might want to be a consultant for this summer, please contact your Bishop or Stake President with names.  

Some things to keep in mind as to expectations for the youth consultant.  We are recommending this option for ages 13-17. This is a really open option and very flexible.  The training will be May 31st to June 2nd OR June 6th to June 8th with an additional optional day on June 9th.  The youth would attend one of the two trainings - not both.  If the youth wish, they can become specialists in one area of their choice.  This will allow each to become better in one area and not be so overwhelmed with all of the options.  The youth would be asked to work a minimum of 5 - four hour shifts during the rest of the summer.  This allows for youth to still be involved with their family trips, reunions, camps, and other activities during the summer.  They will pick the days and times they work and could sign up with their friends to work the same shift.  Additionally, the youth would be encouraged to invite their friends and youth class members to attend the center with them.  

So, mark your calendars!  Youth Summer Program June 13th - August 9th Tuesdays and Wednesdays 10 am to 6 pm.   And, think of youth who might wish to be consultants and contact your Priesthood leaders with suggestions.  

We are so excited to see the youth this summer!  And of course, treats will occasionally be provided!   Please share this information with anyone and everyone.  We are hoping to make this a yearly summer program.

(Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Wiki, and here on our Blog)

Here are some highlights.  Be sure to check the calendar for ALL classes!

  • RootsTech classes will be broadcast March 3rd, 4th, and 5th
  • Computers for Beginners (6 week class) will start March 7th, 2:00 - 3:00 pm
  • Family Stories in 30 Minutes or Less by Brenda Hudson, Ph.D. webinar will be broadcast March 30th, 12:00 - 1:30 pm

May Newsletter

We're Official - New FamilySearch Sign!    Tons of things happening at the Center and our blog has been updated.  Here's the highlig...